
Fascism ファシズム blogs

Advise to fight:ファシスト達と戦うための忠告 Let's evolve beyond the left and right ! 左右を超えて進化しよう! http://blog.livedoor.jp/hpri35/archives/11408366.html How to erase fascists and terrorists? http://blog.livedoor.jp/hpri35/archi…


PM Abe visits EU 安倍首相欧州歴訪+ 二階自民党幹事長と習主席の会談 岩崎放送によると「岩崎の命令で安倍首相は欧州歴訪。中国には、習主席に特使を派遣。橋本創造博士を中傷させて、スリランカのテロはISがしたもので、日本ファシズム同盟は無関係と嘘を…

Warmaker of white supremacy aim to destroy the colored wars by nuclear warfare. 白人至上主義のWarmakerは有色人種

(日本語後半) We intercepted fascist's broadcast, so we summarize the latest news and introduce as follows: 「 Those who try to make money by controlling President Trump are in competition. Warmaker of white supremacy aim to destroy the col…

Land scam group, frauds, 積水ハウス55億円詐欺被害,その地面師グループは岩崎と暗躍。

Takahasi→Arima(有馬) ←←← IS Iwasaki Broadcast HPRI Iwasaki and Takahasi attack Arima and HPRI by superweapons. But Dr. Hashimoto is in shelter room. Arima became desease. Iwasaki and land scam group sell property using fake Arima. IS Iwasa…