
地震兵器, Earthquake weapons, blogs

Fascists made earthquakes with earthquake weapons. Fascists tried to make an earthquake in the capital with earthquake weapons on March 11, 2011. But Japan Cyber Militia fought. So the epicenter shifted to the northeast. On March 11, fasci…

Nuclear war, 核戦争 blogs

Advice: Dr. Sozo Hashimoto can solve crisis ! Please report secrets of nuclear weapons of North Korea. Nuclear weapons of North Korea are made in USA. USAのWarmakerをマスコミが報道したら北朝鮮とIranの核兵器を解決する: http://blog.livedoor.…

脳兵器 Brain weapon blogs

Center of the Brain Weapon、脳兵器中枢部の写真: http://ameblo.jp/hpri35/entry-12150548262.html http://blog.livedoor.jp/hpri35/archives/11377578.html Fascists propagate that they influence more than 50 % of Homo sapiens. Fascists use propag…

米軍基地海上移設案。辺野古をやめ海上に!Proposal for relocation of US military base to sea. Very large floating structur

(日本語後半、引用と転載は自由で無料) Proposal for relocation of US military base to sea. Very large floating structure - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Very_large_floating_structure Relocation of Marine Corps Air Station Futenma -…


Let's make a world without warmakers and wars ! 戦争屋と戦争の無い世界を作ろう! http://blog.livedoor.jp/hpri35/archives/31942223.html Let's unite and eliminate warmakers ! 団結してWarmakerを消そう! http://blog.livedoor.jp/hpri35/archives…