
ファシスト達は、なぜトランプ大統領を支持するのか?Why fascists support Trump?

(日本語後半)We summarize news of the Nasjonal Samling and introduce as follows: 「Fascists support Trump. Trump is easy to deceive. Trump is easy to control. Trump is easy to trap. Fascists control Trump with brain weapons.American First …





The white supremacy warmaker is trying to bring nuclear wars to colored people. 白人至上主義の戦争屋は有色人種達に核戦争をさせ共倒れを狙う

USA warmaker of white supremacy are trying to make colored peoples have nuclear wars. They use spies to deceive presidents, prime ministers and politicians. The fascists are pretending to be deceived. Fascists have advertised that the warm…

News flash, 新着ニュース

⭕️What should you do if you can not find superweapons by investigating? 調査をしても超兵器が見つからない場合はどうすべきか?http://blog.livedoor.jp/hpri35/archives/17716104.html⭕️Boycottに誘導するNegative campaignhttp://blog.livedoor.jp/hp…

News flash, 新着ニュース

⭕️What should you do if you can not find superweapons by investigating? 調査をしても超兵器が見つからない場合はどうすべきか?http://blog.livedoor.jp/hpri35/archives/17716104.html⭕️Boycottに誘導するNegative campaignhttp://blog.livedoor.jp/hp…

News flash, 新着ニュース

⭕️What should you do if you can not find superweapons by investigating? 調査をしても超兵器が見つからない場合はどうすべきか?http://blog.livedoor.jp/hpri35/archives/17716104.html⭕️Boycottに誘導するNegative campaignhttp://blog.livedoor.jp/hp…