
ファシスト達は超兵器で人類の免疫力を低下。政府が超兵器を規制すれば第三次世界大戦とVirus Warに勝つ。

If governments regulate superweapons, they can win the World War III & Virus War. 政府が超兵器を規制すれば第三次世界大戦とVirus Warに勝つFascists are weakening human immunity with superweapons. If the governments regulate superweapons, the…

Nobel Prize War ノーベル賞戦争

Norwegian Nobel Committee Vs. Nasjonal Samling (NS) revolt ↑ ↓ obey ↓ Spies revolt RRGFig.1. Norwegian Nobel Committee(NNC) Vs. Nasjonal Samling(NS) ---------------------------------------------------------------------Stolen money → Japan …

Komazawa War 駒沢戦争 blogs、武装し多数で行こう!

PLS find Komazawa on Google Map! Google Mapで駒沢を調べよう!http://blog.livedoor.jp/hpri35/archives/40898802.htmlAll fascist organizations are criminal organizations.They worse than the mafia.If you meet Hashimoto Peace Research Institute…


ファシスト達は第3次世界大戦とウィルス戦争を強化するため、橋本創造博士と家族と関係者の冤罪を捏造しようとしてる!Virus War, RRG prevent investigation by acquisition & others. So investigators report lies. RRGは買収や洗脳や脅迫や他で調査員に…

Reichs-Rundfunk-Gesellschaft, RRG, 国家放送協会 blogs

RRG brag frauds in Nobel Prize War & awards war.栄典戦争の詐欺を自慢する放送。The Reichs-Rundfunk-Gesellschaft (RRG; Reich Broadcasting Corporation) was a national network of Germanregional public radio and television broadcasting companie…


府省庁の皆様、偽のwebやmailや電話や文書にご用心!http://blog.livedoor.jp/hpri35/archives/41797165.htmlCabinet Office spies cause storms in politics.内閣府スパイ団は政界に嵐を起こす:http://blog.livedoor.jp/hpri35/archives/42208231.html偽夫…


World War III, superweapons, viruses. 第3次世界大戦, 超兵器, ウィルス:http://blog.livedoor.jp/hpri35/archives/39848484.htmlPlease collect superweapons in your office and residence.http://blog.livedoor.jp/hpri35/archives/11347027.htmlSuper…