
Fund source of IS, Komazawa Battalion and IS Iwasaki Broadcast, 駒沢軍団とIS岩崎放送はISの資金源。

Fund source of IS, Komazawa Battalion and IS Iwasaki Broadcast, 駒沢軍団とIS岩崎放送はISの資金源。 Komazawa BattalionがIT犯罪で盗んだMoneyは、IS Iwasaki Broadcastを経由し、ISのテロ資金になる。 IS岩崎放送を潰せば、ISは消滅する。 Owners➡Koma…

一家皆殺し 放火 拉致 増加 世田谷一家殺害事件他

IS Iwasaki BroadcastのNewsを要約して紹介します: 「 世田谷区上祖師谷の宮沢一家皆殺し事件は、友人の犯行だ。 それを隠すため、すでに死んだ人にかぶせることにした。 それで成城警察署の捜査本部から情報を募集させてる。 ファシストのスパイが通報する…

Suggestion 提言 blogs

Suggestion 提言 blogs Hashimoto is not right and left. Hashimoto is moderation. Hashimoto transcend right and left. PLS broadcast public debate. Fascists escape debate. Because they tell lies. Proposal of symposium to make the world better…

Fake 偽造 blogs、ファシスト達は偽造で騙す。

Fascists and spies say there is no superweapon to deceive the mass media. Fascists show superweapons to invite people. Fascists show fake superweapons to deceive targets. ファシスト達は、マスコミには、超兵器は無いと言い、騙す。 ファシスト…

米軍基地海上移設案。辺野古をやめ海上に!Proposal for relocation of US military base to sea. Very large floating structur

(日本語後半、引用と転載は自由で無料) Proposal for relocation of US military base to sea. Very large floating structure - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Very_large_floating_structure Relocation of Marine Corps Air Station Futenma -…

Iwasaki Broadcast 岩崎放送 blogs

Iwasaki Broadcast reports Mafia's criminal information to the police. 岩崎放送はMafiaの犯罪情報を警察に通報。 http://blog.livedoor.jp/hpri35/archives/35498404.htmlIwasaki Broadcast boast conspiracies and advertise. IS岩崎放送は陰謀を自慢す…

IT 情報技術 blogs

Good people develop good technology. Warmakers and fascists develop evil technology. http://blog.livedofr.jp/hpri35/archives/21794774.html Fake emails、偽造Eメール: http://blog.livedoor.jp/hpri35/archives/35403040.htmlJapan Cyber Militia,…

Superweapons 超兵器 blogs

Fascists and spies say lies that there is no superweapon to deceive the mass media and political parties. Fascists show fake superweapons and movies to deceive targets. Fascists show superweapons and talk about strategies to solicit common…


URLをClickしてください。 peaceresearch (@peaceresearch1) - Twitterhttps://twitter.com/peaceresearch1 Photos 写真 blogs: http://blog.livedoor.jp/hpri35/archives/19525869.html Academic 学術 blogs: http://blog.livedoor.jp/hpri35/archives/1827…


Fascistsの放送を傍受してます。それらを要約して紹介します: 「 トランプ大統領を制御して儲けようとする者達が競い合ってる。 白人至上主義のWarmakerは、有色人種達に核戦争をさせて滅ぼそうと狙ってる。 保守と右翼は、USAの白人至上主義のWarmakerの罠…

Warmaker of white supremacy aim to destroy the colored wars by nuclear warfare. 白人至上主義のWarmakerは有色人種

(日本語後半) We intercepted fascist's broadcast, so we summarize the latest news and introduce as follows: 「 Those who try to make money by controlling President Trump are in competition. Warmaker of white supremacy aim to destroy the col…

Land scam group, frauds, 積水ハウス55億円詐欺被害,その地面師グループは岩崎と暗躍。

Takahasi→Arima(有馬) ←←← IS Iwasaki Broadcast HPRI Iwasaki and Takahasi attack Arima and HPRI by superweapons. But Dr. Hashimoto is in shelter room. Arima became desease. Iwasaki and land scam group sell property using fake Arima. IS Iwasa…


Let's make a world without warmakers and wars ! 戦争屋と戦争の無い世界を作ろう! http://blog.livedoor.jp/hpri35/archives/31942223.html Let's unite and eliminate warmakers ! 団結してWarmakerを消そう! http://blog.livedoor.jp/hpri35/archives…

IS Iwasaki Broadcast、IS岩崎放送、世界を悪化させる。

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant-Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_State_of_Iraq_and_the_Levant IS Iwasaki Broadcasting is the most knowledgeable media in the world. IS Iwasaki Broadcasting is a medium that boasts conspira…


URLをClickしてください! peaceresearch (@peaceresearch1) - Twitterhttps://twitter.com/peaceresearch1 Photos 写真 blogs: http://blog.livedoor.jp/hpri35/archives/19525869.html Academic 学術 blogs: http://blog.livedoor.jp/hpri35/archives/1827…


(日本語後半) We summarize and introduce the News of the Japan Fascism alliance: 「 NS broadcast the interior of NNC with monitoring weapons. NNC is not aware that it is being broadcast. Fascists laugh at NNC all over the world. NS(Nasjonal…

PM Abe 安倍首相 blogs

Abenomics →重税国家 →貧困国家: http://blog.livedoor.jp/hpri35/archives/33581720.html Devilism and PM Abe: http://kaleido11.blog111.fc2.com/blog-entry-1981.html 安倍が統一教会や慧光塾がらみで有名であり、暴力団がらみの黒い噂が山のようにあり…

Weather weapon 気象兵器 blogs

Weather weapon is the use of weather modification techniques such as cloud seeding for military purposes. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weather_warfare Strategies to divide the People's Republic of China.分裂中华人民共和国的战略。 中華人民…


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